Press ReleaseThe Iowa City Public Library will be closed Friday, Feb. 26, for Staff Inservice Day

The Iowa City Public Library will be closed Friday, Feb. 26, 2021, for Staff Inservice Day

The annual Inservice Day is an opportunity for all Library staff to attend training and discussions designed to improve services for patrons. Staff will break into small group sessions over Zoom for training. 

This year, Library staff will view a presentation by Dr. Adrienne Coleman from Candid Conversations Matter. The presentation, “Anti-racism and Equity-mindedness: Critical Examination of Policies, Practices, Programs, Services, and Resources for Social Justice,” is a prerecorded talk sponsored and distributed by the Iowa Library Association. Dr. Coleman provides both context as well as tools to begin examining Library policies for equity. Staff will spend time working to revise Library policies to meet Strategic Plan goals. 

Staff recognition is also part of the Library’s annual Inservice. Library employees are recognized for every five years of service. This year, 11 employees will receive service awards. 

Individuals who celebrate 5 years of employment at the Library include: Hanna Busse, Jorge Gonzales, Natalie Holmes, and Angie Pilkington. 

Brad Gehrke and Dean Rollins will be recognized for 10 years of service, while Elyse Miller and Jason Paulios will be recognized for 15 years of employment. 

Todd Brown, Romona Murrell, and Larry Parks will celebrate 30 years of service at the Iowa City Public Library. 

Regular Library hours will resume on Saturday, February 27. 

The Library is currently in Phase 3 of our reopening plan.

Visit our website for more details:


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