Every fall, in collaboration with the Iowa City Public Library, the IWP organizes a weekly series of panels on current literary and non-literary themes. The gatherings are an opportunity to the community at large for a conversation with the international visitors. The panels are later broadcast on The Library Channel and online, and the short papers are posted on the IWP website.
This week 2018 International Writing Program (IWP) Fall Residents Haifa Abualnadi (Jordan), Jacqueline Goldberg (Venezuela), Aram Pachyan (Armenia), and Usman...
Join the community conversation over free pizza, with IWP Fall Residents Bayasgalan BATSUURI, Faisal ODDANG, Roberto ECHETO, and Rumena BUZAROVSKA discussing "...
Join the community conversation over free pizza, with IWP Fall Residents Gina Cole, Chandramohan Sathyanathan, Kateryna Babkina, and Eman Alyousuf discussing "...
Images of America— Fall International Writing Program Residents share impressions of their time in the United States during this perennial IWP favorite.