Learn How to Build a Better World

In conjunction with this year's summer reading program, "Build a Better World," read about ways people have made the world a better place, how you can help right now, and the possibilities of the future.

Since witnessing the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, J. J. Keki has been working with his neighbors of different religions to coexist peacefully and grow coffee together. By focusing on what unites them, instead of what divides them, this village has created an example of religious tolerance and harmony for the world. Read about it in Growing Peace by Richard Sobol.


Great ideas for being more sustainable consumers abound in Pocket Change by Michelle Mulder. Growing your own food, bartering as a way of growing community, and sharing resources in libraries of all types are a just a few of those ideas. Pick up the rest of the titles in the "Orca Footprints" series for more ways you can help the world.




Take a look at the future of energy with futurologist Luna Li in Power Plays by Nikole Brooks Bethea. Luna takes readers on a tour of the nonrenewable energy sources from the past and present before jumping into possible future uses of different renewable types of energy. Solar and wind are just the beginning, as kinetic wave energy and biofuels are also explored.



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