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Library EventTotally Tweens: Susie Clark Lights the Way

This event has passed. Check the Calendar for upcoming events.

Thursday, February 6, 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

02/06/2025 4:00pm 02/06/2025 5:00pm Totally Tweens: Susie Clark Lights the Way Did you know Iowa was the first state in the nation to legally desegregate its public schools? It was all because of Susie Clark, a 13-year-old Black student in Muscatine, Iowa. When she was denied entry to the school closest to her home, her family sued and in June 1868 the Iowa Supreme Court ruled racial segregation violated Iowa law and the state constitution. It was the first such legal victory in America, and 86 years later when the U.S. Supreme Court decided Brown v. Board of Education, it cited this case as precedent. Learn about Susie Clark and her fight for an equal education from a book written by Iowa author Joshalyn Hickey-Johnson, entitled "Susie Clark, The Bravest Girl You've Ever Seen." Then immerse yourself in Clark's story through food and crafts mentioned in the book, including creating a custom beeswax candle that will transport us back to an Iowa home in 1868 and remind us of Susie Clark's story whenever we use it. 你知道爱荷华州是美国第一个立法废除公立学校种族隔离的州吗? 这一切都归功于爱荷华州马斯卡廷当年 13 岁的非裔学生 Susie Clark。她被拒绝进入离家最近的学校,她的家人提起诉讼,1868 年 6 月,爱荷华州最高法院裁定种族隔离违反了爱荷华州法律和州宪法,成为美国同类案例的首次法律胜利。86 年后,当美国最高法院裁定布朗诉教育委员会案时,援引了这个案例作为先例。 爱荷华作家 Joshalyn Hickey-Johnson 在他的著作《最勇敢的女孩》中讲述了 Susie Clark 和她为争取平等教育权而进行的斗争。我们将通过本书回顾1868年的一个爱荷华家庭的故事,体验其中提到的食物和工艺品,亲手制作特别的蜂蜡蜡烛,纪念勇敢无畏的Susie Clark。 Iowa City Public Library Iowa City Public Library America/Chicago public

Storytime Room

Did you know Iowa was the first state in the nation to legally desegregate its public schools?

It was all because of Susie Clark, a 13-year-old Black student in Muscatine, Iowa. When she was denied entry to the school closest to her home, her family sued and in June 1868 the Iowa Supreme Court ruled racial segregation violated Iowa law and the state constitution. It was the first such legal victory in America, and 86 years later when the U.S. Supreme Court decided Brown v. Board of Education, it cited this case as precedent.

Learn about Susie Clark and her fight for an equal education from a book written by Iowa author Joshalyn Hickey-Johnson, entitled "Susie Clark, The Bravest Girl You've Ever Seen." Then immerse yourself in Clark's story through food and crafts mentioned in the book, including creating a custom beeswax candle that will transport us back to an Iowa home in 1868 and remind us of Susie Clark's story whenever we use it.

这一切都归功于爱荷华州马斯卡廷当年 13 岁的非裔学生 Susie Clark。她被拒绝进入离家最近的学校,她的家人提起诉讼,1868 年 6 月,爱荷华州最高法院裁定种族隔离违反了爱荷华州法律和州宪法,成为美国同类案例的首次法律胜利。86 年后,当美国最高法院裁定布朗诉教育委员会案时,援引了这个案例作为先例。
爱荷华作家 Joshalyn Hickey-Johnson 在他的著作《最勇敢的女孩》中讲述了 Susie Clark 和她为争取平等教育权而进行的斗争。我们将通过本书回顾1868年的一个爱荷华家庭的故事,体验其中提到的食物和工艺品,亲手制作特别的蜂蜡蜡烛,纪念勇敢无畏的Susie Clark。

If you need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this event, please contact the Library.

This event is open to the public.

Tweens Arts & Crafting Book Discussion Black History Month Totally Tweens