Press ReleaseICPL debuts new self-service checkouts

The Iowa City Public Library has replaced its self-checkout machines with new equipment in response to the community’s request for improved technology and new self-service features. checkout machines

With updated technology and a larger touchscreen, the new machines make it easier for patrons to borrow Library materials. For instance, the new machines give patrons the option of no receipt, eMail receipt or printed receipt when checking out items and/or paying a fine. An eMail receipt will only be sent if the Library has a valid eMail address on file.

“The self-serve option is designed to ease wait times for patrons, freeing staff members to focus on borrowers with questions and requests for reserves, equipment loans, and other services,” said Kara Logsden, the Library’s Coordinator for Community and Access Services.

The Library also installed new DVD unlocking stations at each self-checkout machine.

Self-checkout machines are available on the Library’s first and second floor, and in the Children’s Room.

For more information, please call the Library at (319) 356-5200.