What is your BHAG?

BHAG = Big. Hairy. Audacious. Goal. We have a BHAG ... We think every child in our community should have a Library card.

I know I'm probably preaching to the choir here, but I think this is a goal we should all share. Libraries today are so much more than reading. Libraries are community centers with technology and people who can answer questions. We have an amazing Children's Room and an awesome Teen Center with computers, games, and room to do homework and socialize. This is a great place to pick up a "Library Habit." And wouldn't it be great if our youth discovered their "Library Habit" when they are young?

As a community, how can we make sure every child has a Library Card? At the Library, we are scheduling spring visits to elementary schools in our service area. Children's Room staff will talk about Summer Reading Program and getting a Library Card. Our Teen Librarian is visiting the junior high and high schools and talking about SRP and Library cards. We are also reaching out to elementary schools in our service area and offering to send ICPL staff to register students on-site for Library Cards.

How can you help? If you have children, make sure they have a Library Card. If you are around other youth, ask them if they have a Library Card. If not, encourage them to get one or invite their family to visit the Library with you. Maybe share what having a Library Card means to you.

I hope you share our BHAG and let's make this a community where everyone has a Library Card!



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