The Downtown Library will be open 10am - 6pm on Thursday, February 20, 2025 for a staff training. The Bookmobile will not be in service.

Library EventBooks to Cooks Club: Pretzel Hearts

This event has passed. Check the Calendar for upcoming events.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

02/11/2025 4:00pm 02/11/2025 5:00pm Books to Cooks Club: Pretzel Hearts Join us on the second Tuesday of every month for a new Books to Cooks Club, where read a picture book and make a delicious after school snack from the story! This program is for preschool-6th grade. Let's make a Valentine's Day treat! But first, let's read a funny story: A Crankenstein Valentine! An ordinary kid becomes Crankenstein on the most lovey-dovey, yuckiest day of the year: Valentine's Day. Cheesy cards, allergy-inducing bouquets, and heart-shaped everything? YECHHHH! It's enough to turn anyone into a monster! We are making a salty and sweet heart-shaped treat with pretzels, chocolate and hearts! Please let staff be aware of any food allergies if attending any Books to Cooks Club programs. 每个月的第二个星期二下午,欢迎K-6年级同学参加全新的“读书厨艺俱乐部”,和我们一起阅读绘本并尝试制作美味的课后小吃! 本月绘本:《怪人情人节》 阅读之后我们将用脆饼和巧克力制作咸甜相间的心形点心! 如有食物过敏史请告知工作人员。 Iowa City Public Library Iowa City Public Library America/Chicago public

Storytime Room

Join us on the second Tuesday of every month for a new Books to Cooks Club, where read a picture book and make a delicious after school snack from the story! This program is for preschool-6th grade.

Let's make a Valentine's Day treat! But first, let's read a funny story: A Crankenstein Valentine! An ordinary kid becomes Crankenstein on the most lovey-dovey, yuckiest day of the year: Valentine's Day. Cheesy cards, allergy-inducing bouquets, and heart-shaped everything? YECHHHH! It's enough to turn anyone into a monster!

We are making a salty and sweet heart-shaped treat with pretzels, chocolate and hearts!

Please let staff be aware of any food allergies if attending any Books to Cooks Club programs.


If you need disability-related accommodations in order to participate in this event, please contact the Library.

This event is open to the public.

Kids Kids Club Winter Reading Program