Naturalizing Roadsides: Making a More Beautiful Iowa
Chris Henze, Johnson County Roadside Vegetation Manager, will address Naturalizing Roadsides: Making a more beautiful Iowa. The prairie that once covered 85% of Iowa has dwindled to 1/100 of 1% which is protected and managed as prairie. Iowa's native roadsides help prevent soil erosion and provide important habitat while promoting the use of prairie statewide. In Johnson County, Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management (IRVM) practices maintain a safe travel environment on the county right-of ways, controls noxious weeds and soil erosion, sustains water quality, improves wildlife habitat, and provides the public with aesthetically pleasing roadsides using a variety of management tools rather than rely on just one. Chris is also the county Weed Commissioner who oversees the control of legally noxious weeds on all public and private property.
The Second Sunday Garden Forums are cosponsored by Project GREEN and the Iowa City Public Library and are free and open to the public.