Marty Augustine discusses some ot the most common and easily identified edible and poisonous mushrooms. A few collecting habits to avoid mushroom poisoning are also...
Karla McGrail shares many of the Linn County Master Gardeners' favorite ornamental landscaping perennials, trees and shrubs, choosen for their unique qualities...
Liz Maas gives a brief introduction on ecology and the value of biodiversity, how we can integrate native and edible plants into our everyday landscapes, and the...
Managing Storm water to protect our water resources has hit home in our communities. The goal of storm water management practices is to capture rain fall and allow it to absorb into the ground...
State Extension Master Gardeners Betty Kelly and Carolyn Murphy talk about the gardens at Plum Grove, the home of Iowa's first Territorial Governor, Robert Lucas and his family.
Volunteers from Iowa City Bike Library instruct on proper bicycle maintenance. She offers such tips as how to keep your bike chain in good condition, your tires well inflated, how to patch a flat...
Richard Jauron, Iowa State University Extension Horticulturist, talks about Low Maintenance Perennials for Iowa gardens. All perennials require some degree of care during the year. Some require...
David Morton, the Head Gardener at Brucemore presents a tour of Iowa's only National Trust Historic Site. Brucemore, a 26-acre, park like estate encompasses a Queen Anne-style mansion and...
John Clemens, member of Eastern Iowa Bonsai Association, presents on the shape, harmony and proportion of bonsai to express art in the form of these beautiful long-lived trees. Bonsai (pronounced...