Iowa's Path to Sustainability with Connie Mutel | Second Sunday Garden Forum

Ecologist and writer Connie Mutel, will moderate today's panel "Iowa's Path to Sustainability" based on the book Tending Iowa's Land - Pathways to a Sustainable Future.

Connie assembled a cast of premier Iowa scientists and environmental activists to write Tending Iowa’s Land (University of Iowa Press, 2022) which examined our state’s current environmental problems and lead a discussion on viable solutions.

Today's panelists:

Pauline Drobney, Prairie Zone Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service - Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge
Keith E Schilling, State Geologist of Iowa, Iowa Geological Survey Director
Jerald Schnoor, Professor in the UI Depts of Civil & Environmental Engineering, and Occupational & Environmental Health, and Co-Director of the Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER)
Francis Thicke, formerly a scientist with the US Dept. of Agriculture, and for over 30 years the owner and operator of organic "Radiance Dairy" in Fairfield Iowa
Larry Weber, Director of the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research

Connie Mutel is the author of over a dozen additional books including A Sugar Creek Chronicle: Observing Climate Change from a Midwestern Woodland (Iowa, 2016) and The Emerald Horizon: The History of Nature in Iowa (Iowa, 2008). Before retiring, Connie was a Senior Science Writer at IIHR – Hydroscience & Engineering at The University of Iowa College of Engineering.

The Second Sunday Garden Forums are cosponsored by Project GREEN and the Iowa City Public Library.

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