Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Latinos in Iowa: Planting Seeds of Prosperity, Power and Progress | ICFRC

In honor of this year's Hispanic Heritage Month theme, Elizabeth Bernal, Marcela Hurtado, and Paola Jaramillo will speak to the progress Latinos and Hispanics have made over the last fifteen...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Surviving a Dictator, A Dictator Surviving | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

What happened in Syria since it stopped being a "Breaking News" hot topic? How are the Syrian people surviving post civil war living conditions? Is Assad still at large? And why does it...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Border Imperialism: Control of Land and Bodies Through Colonial Violence | ICFRC

Speaker Sikowis Nobiss, Founder/ED of the Great Plains Action Society, talks about how Colonial border policy enforcement, coupled with settler-state immigration laws, are critical factors in...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Quality Education for All: UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On UN Day this year we are honoring that historic agreement by emphasizing the rights of youth, especially the right...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Writing Across the Sinosphere: Bilingual Reading | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

The UI International Writing Program and the Center for Asian Pacific Studies will be hosting a bilingual reading featuring 2023 Fall residents Kevin Chen (Taiwan), Tammy Lai-Ming Ho and Wong Yi...

Books and Writing International Writing Program, Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Community Response to Public Health Crises in Lagos, Nigeria | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Part of the Humanities Iowa - Global Connections Across Iowa '23-'24 Program Series.

Malaria is a significant health concern in Nigeria, with the country having the highest...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Jamaica: Holdin' a Vibe in a Textured Landscape | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

From Lorna Goodison’s third-world woman as mystic healer to Reggae and Dancehall pulsing through Kingston nights, Jamaica moves to its own drum beat, making a dance out of its troubles. It is a...

Arts, Music, and Hobbies Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Is Brazil at a Tipping Point? Democracy and Climate Change | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

From forest fires in the Amazon to a mob storming the presidential palace, scholars warn Brazil could be at a tipping point. Dr. Smith discusses these threats, but also Brazil's hopeful...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

What Does It Mean to Be a Good Citizen? | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

UI College of Education Associate Professor Carolyn Colvin, Ph.D., and colleagues from West Liberty will speak about the success of a program to bring citizenship and more to immigrants in West...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Cholera in Lebanon: An Old Disease with a New Comeback | Iowa City Foreign Relations Council

Cholera has been a global public health problem that resulted in 7 pandemics since 1961. The first cholera case was reported in North Lebanon on October 4, 2022 in an informal settlement followed...

Current Issues and Politics Iowa City Foreign Relations Council