Press ReleaseICPL’S Summer Reading Program, celebrating 125 Years of Stories, to begin June 1

We are excited to announce our 125th Anniversary Summer Reading Program, which will include both in-person and virtual activities.

The Summer Reading Program will run from June 1 through September 1 - 2021 and is for all ages from babies through adults. Registration opens on Tuesday, June 1 and can be completed by returning your gamecard in-person at the Library, at our Bookmobile, or online at

The goal of the Summer Reading Program this year is simple – let’s see if Iowa City can celebrate 125 years of stories by reading 125,000 books. 

When you complete your registration, you will receive a game card to track your progress towards the goal. 
Participants can begin turning in their game cards for prizes on June 7.  

All in-person activities will have limited-capacity to encourage social-distancing and safety precautions. Masks will be required. 

If you have questions about the program, including help registering for the program online, use our contact form at or call 319-356-5200.