Looking for your next read?

Without the ability to browse the shelves at the library it is easy to feel adrift in finding your latest read. I also miss shelving holds at the Help Desk between helping people because that clues me into the hot items. Other than some of the ace recommendations offered by your favorite Iowa City Public Library employees there are a wide variety of places to find your favorite book of the season.

One of my many duties under normal operations is to post the best seller lists to the bulletin board near the New Fiction on the first floor. Rather than going with the most often cited best seller lists, I instead go with the Indie Best Seller lists from the the American Association of Booksellers available here https://www.bookweb.org/indie-bestsellers

These lists have a little something for everyone. I like to look at the Fiction and Non-Fiction Hardcover Best Sellers to see what to put a hold on. The Fiction and Non-Fiction Paperback Best Sellers are good if you want something of quality that is available now or might be adapted into a movie or television show soon. The Middle Grade & Young Adult list is good for finding Young Adult romances (a guilty pleasure of mine) or something for my nephew, a voracious reader of graphic novels. I have also found some great gifts on the Children's list, because like a stereotypical librarian I usually gift books.

In addition to the Indie Best Sellers I have also posted the All Iowa Reads titles, the Booker Prize winners, 2019 Goodreads Choice Award winners, and Fresh Air's Maureen Corrigon's favorite reads of 2019, and the National Book Award winners.

No matter where you look there's bound to be something you will find to be your next read.



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Enjoy hearing from the library staff during these days of sequestration!

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