
Featured Collections On the shelf & ready to reserve

From environmental disasters to apocalyptic events, these reads are sure to shake you.

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Consumer Reports

Reviews, ratings, recommendations, video clips and buying advice for thousands of products and services.

Mango Languages

Lessons in 70-plus languages, including English. Download the Mango Languages app to use on mobile devices.

Heritage Quest

A source for U.S. census records, books, periodicals, Revolutionary War service records, and Freedman's Bank deposit or records.

Historical Iowa City Newspapers

Covers historical newspapers in the Iowa City area from 1840 to 1929, including the Iowa City Daily Press, the Iowa City Republican, and the Iowa City Press Citizen.

Event Series

Check out these event series with upcoming events.

Iowa City Public Library Friends Foundation
ICPL summer reading program
Women making history like Caitlin Clark, Chastity Williams, Claudia Joan Alexander, Wallis Simpson, and Crystal Eastman