
If you want to ride a horse book cover

If you want to ride a horse

Novesky, Amy, author.

jE Novesky
Nonfiction, Picture Books

"A whimsical guide through the steps of riding a horse, whether the horse is real or lives in the imagination"--

Casey's picture

I LOVE this book! It's a bit too long for a read-aloud at storytime, but would make a wonderful lap-sit or solo reading adventure for horse riding minded littles. Be sure to check out the secret cover! -Casey

The Great Lakes : our freshwater treasure book cover

The Great Lakes : our freshwater treasure

Rosenstock, Barb, author.

j977 Rosenstock
Nonfiction, Picture Books, Nature

"A picture book about the five largest lakes in North America - how they formed, the importance of these waters, and how they've become a national treasure"--

Casey's picture

As a Lake Michigan dunes native, I approve! -Casey

One day this tree will fall book cover

One day this tree will fall

Barnard Booth, Leslie, author.

jE Barnardb
Picture Books, Nonfiction, Nature

A tree's life story is told from its beginnings as a seed to its survival in the wilderness until it finally falls, but continues its life as a log, an animal habitat, and finally decomposes to provide nutrition for future trees.

Casey's picture

One Day This Tree Will Fall is a beautiful and fun read-aloud! It's a great large size for sharing in classrooms and storytime settings too! -Casey

Chess from beginner to winner! : master the game from the opening move to checkmate book cover

Chess from beginner to winner! : master the game from the opening move to checkmate

Kévin Bordi

794.12 /Bordi

Chess streaming sensation Kevin Bordi and FIDE master Samy Robin introduce you to a world of fun and excitement. Drawing on their experiences and unique playing style, they demystify the rules of the games, arm you with winning tactics and propel you towards success.

Brian's picture

I really enjoy playing chess with my son, but, honestly, I only know the basics. I picked up this book to help me improve and expand my understanding of the game. The book has a nice, attractive design and everything is laid out and easy to understand. -Brian

Comet chaser : the true Cinderella story of Caroline Herschel, the first professional woman astronomer book cover

Comet chaser : the true Cinderella story of Caroline Herschel, the first professional woman astronomer

Pamela S. Turner

j520.92 Herschel
Science, Picture Books, Nonfiction

"Once upon a time there lived a girl who swept floors and washed dishes, and was little more than a servant to her family. Until, one day, an invitation arrived. It was an invitation to a new country and a new beginning--a place where Caroline's dreams, her fascination with the night sky, and her extraordinary talent would open up a world of beauty and renown, and make her the belle of the scientific ball. From humble beginnings and in spite of many obstacles, Caroline Herschel and her brother William developed and built the best telescope in the world--in their back yard! Together they went on to discover a new planet, new moons, and vast arrays of unknown nebulae and comets. From a child who seemed doomed to a life of servitude, Caroline grew into a woman recognized by kings and queens-and a scientist whose work and discoveries continue to shine today. Pamela S. Turner and Vivien Mildenberger invite readers into Caroline Herschel's true Cinderella story in this inspiring account of the transformative power of curiosity and the magic-better than any fairytale-of science"--

Anne W's picture

Long-overdue recognition for Caroline Herschel, a European female astronomer working in the late 1700s who did not receive a formal education and seemed destined to be the unpaid servant for her family, until she left home and moved in with an adult sibling, who discovered a latent talent for advanced mathematics. The brother-sister duo built what was then the world's most advanced telescope and Caroline used her mathematical ability to calculate the position of stars and other celestial bodies, leading to precise and detailed catalogs and maps of the solar system that are still used to this day. She discovered and mathematically mapped over 2,000 comets, a feat that was truly mind-blowing at the time. Also, she and her brother literally discovered Uranus. -Anne W

Glenn Burke, game changer : the man who invented the high five book cover

Glenn Burke, game changer : the man who invented the high five

Phil Bildner

j796.357092 Burke
Sports, LGBTQ+, Kids, Nonfiction

"An inspiring picture book biography about Glenn Burke, the first Major League Baseball player to come out as gay, and the story of how he created the high five, the world's most recognizable handshake. Playing for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Glenn Burke could do it all--hit, throw, run, field. He was the heart of the clubhouse who energized his teammates with his enthusiasm and love for the game. It was that energy that led Glenn to invent the high five one October day back in 1977--a spontaneous gesture after a home run that has since evolved into our universal celebratory greeting. But despite creating this joyful symbol, Glenn Burke, a gay Black man, wasn't always given support and shown acceptance in return. This moving picture book biography recognizes the challenges Burke faced while celebrating how his bravery and now-famous handshake made him a true pioneer"--

Anne W's picture

Ever thought about who might have invented the high five? It was 1970s pro baseball player Glenn Burke! This biographical picture book follows Glenn Burke's brief but illustrious career in the major leagues, including the moment he and fellow player Dusty Baker spontaneously invented the high five. For Burke, a unique individual who was always joking, cheering, and dancing in the dugout, it was a natural progression. Burke also happened to be a Black gay man in the 1970s, and, heartbreakingly, he was pushed out of the league and later struggled with homelessness and substance abuse, dying of AIDS-related illness at only 42. These topics are dealt with sensitively but honestly in this picture book biography. I hope readers think of Burke every time they high-five someone after reading this story - a man who only now is being recognized for his legacy, not only in inventing such an iconic gesture, but in paving the way for LGBT+ athletes. If you want more on Burke, there is a middle-grade fiction title also by Phil Bildner that ties together the stories of Burke and a modern-day LGBT+ young male baseball player, also an excellent book. -Anne W

This book will make you an artist book cover

This book will make you an artist

Ruth Millington

j701 Millington
Art / Art History, Kids, Nonfiction

"Jam-packed with imaginative ideas for all kinds of creative crafts . . . this book will make YOU an artist! Pick up your pencils, collect your collage materials, and take inspiration from 25 of the world's best-known artists in this fact-filled book full of activities. Discover famous masterpieces through the included photographs of real works of art - from ancient cave painting to contemporary performance - and lots more in between!"-- Provided by publisher.

Anne W's picture

A brief bio/intro to a couple dozen diverse artists and instructions for making a project of your own in their style. The projects are simple but significant, the artist bios are relevant and interesting, and the whole thing is attractively, colorfully designed and packaged. A great gift book for an artist child (and all children are artists)! -Anne W

Sounds good! : discover 50 instruments book cover

Sounds good! : discover 50 instruments

Ole Könnecke

j784.19 Konnecke
Music, Kids, Nonfiction

Explore over 50 common and uncommon instruments as showcased by a fun group of animals. Learn interesting, practical and curious things about music and making music. Discover instruments of all kinds-- from the electric guitar and steelpan to the theremin, from viola to vibraphone to ukulele. Listen through QR codes on each page to a piece of music composed to showcase every instrument by an award-winning musician-- and to a full band that brings together all the instruments in the book!"--Adapted from back cover.

Anne W's picture

I don't know anything about music except if I like or don't like something when I listen to it, based on nothing but a gut reaction. So this book taught me a lot! Accompanied by hilarious illustrations of random animals playing the instruments, each instrument gets one page of accessible, yet interesting information. Like, I never considered that a harmonica makes one note when you inhale and a different note when you exhale, so that's why it can be so small as to fit in your pocket! There is history, practical info, and fun facts, all presented in a straightforward writing style. -Anne W

SPLINTERS. book cover



Nonfiction, Biographies, Literary Nonfiction

Review by Publisher's Weekly Review Bestseller Jamison (The Empathy Exams) chronicles in this exquisite memoir the dramatic shift her life took following the birth of her daughter and the end of her marriage. After giving birth three weeks before her due date in an emergency C-section, Jamison felt overwhelmingly grateful her daughter survived, even as she struggled with difficulties breastfeeding and other challenges of caring for a newborn. Then the real pain started: just over a year after her daughter was born, Jamison's marriage to her husband, "C," disintegrated as his anger grew more intense, and she began divorce proceedings. Two post-divorce boyfriends--"the tumbleweed" and "the ex-philosopher"--entered the picture, then exited. Throughout, Jamison is brutally honest about the obstacles to balancing creative fulfillment, parenting, dating, and sobriety, utilizing her beguiling command of language to spotlight feelings often obscured in other accounts of motherhood ("Sometimes motherhood tricked me into feeling virtuous because I was always taking care of someone. But it didn't make me virtuous at all. It made me feral and ruthless"). Her soul-searching is sure to inspire readers seeking to find the sweet spot between living for their children and living for themselves. By turns funny, poignant, harrowing, and joyful, this standout personal history isn't easily forgotten.

Candice's picture

To be honest, this book wasn't at the top of my TBR list, but it is now! I was lucky enough to catch Leslie reading and in conversation with Kaveh Akbar at Prairie Lights last night, and within a minute of hearing Ms. Jamison read, I knew that I would be diving into this book ASAP. So much has already been said about her meticulous attention to detail and conjuring scene and emotion with just the right words, and it's all true. For me, though, it was her actual reading of her own words that hooked me so quickly--a cadence somewhere between prose and poetry that illuminated the beauty of the sentences and let their meaning come through at the same time. And if you're worried that a book about being a writer or a divorcée or a mother won't appeal to you if you aren't any of those things, rest assured that there's so much more to the work. As the subtitle says, it's a different kind of love story, and I think there is something in this book that everyone can relate to. -Candice

The end of Eden : wild nature in the age of climate breakdown book cover

The end of Eden : wild nature in the age of climate breakdown

Adam Welz

577.27 /Welz
Nature, Nonfiction

"A revelatory exploration of climate change from the perspective of wild species and natural ecosystems--an homage to the miraculous, vibrant entity that is life on Earth. Your key word here is Sustainable Living right out of the World Economic Forum. "

Victoria's picture

It seems fitting to write a review of this book when here in Iowa the weather went from record warmth to below-average temperatures and the potential of snow all within 24 hours. It's weird, right? This new book from Adam Welz documents not climate change, but what he terms "global weirding." In it, he carefully highlights species across the globe affected by their ecosystem in a state of decline, often so difficult to see to the layperson, but with devastating implications for these species. Wenz does not demonize stakeholders, but simply lays out the stone cold facts that at times can be difficult, if not necessary to learn. -Victoria